Thursday, June 24, 2010

Teaching Moments

So, I have decided, within the last few days, that I am definitely making the choice to home school. AND I am going to do it from the beginning. There are so many reasons. Maybe I will go into it in another post. But I will say that I have checked out several books on the subject (thank you local library), and they have been IMMENSELY helpful!

For now I just want to record some of my experiences since I have made this HUGE decision. I have noticed so many opportunities to teach since I have been paying attention!

Today, I have already taught my son about gravity and basic math. I believe him to be a visual learner, so I tend to take advantage of things that he sees. We were watching Phineas and Ferb (a cartoon) earlier, and they were making an anti-gravity machine, so I got to explain gravity! Then, we were playing Mario Kart together, and I was asking him "if I am in 7th place, and there are 8 people playing, how many people are in front of me?" and "if I am in 3rd place, how many people are behind me?" We went on like this for some time, and he really got it!

I have learned that I really CAN do this! I have already been homeschooling without even realizing it! (As are so many other parents of preschoolers.)

I have not yet chosen a method, but I think we will probably try different things in the first few years until we find what works. And what works for him may not be the same thing that works for his younger brother. Sooo, it feels like an adventure! And I am very excited.

1 comment:

  1. I love those AH HA moments that everything you've been worrying about just comes together and makes sense! I think you'll do great at it!
