So, I have been wanting to blog for a few days, but I haven't had much to say. Or so I thought...I guess it's just been building up this whole time.
First, I want to make a couple quick notes about my kiddos. I write in my paper journal about them too, but for those of you that aren't near and want the little updates, here you go.
Ben is now able to sit unsupported for several seconds, without falling over. I find this amazing since he is not quite 6 months old! Also, we are still waiting to start solids. I sort of caved the other day and pureed some banana to try with him, but he was still using his tongue to push it out, so I know he's not physically ready. Thank goodness! I'm not ready! I know with the cloth diapers, things will change when we go from exclusive breast milk to solids, and that's a change I'm not looking forward to. Don't tell me to switch to disposables, because even if I wanted to, there's no way we could afford diapers right now...
Aside from that, he is the light of my life, the apple of my eye. Sometimes, it annoys me when he needs to go to sleep and it takes longer than normal. But the tremendous amount of satisfaction I get from all the smiles, laughter, and snuggles I get from him the rest of the time, make up for it!
Nate is growing so fast. He even told me he was growing up. I said "No, you're not allowed. Stay little and be my little boy." To which he replied "I am your little boy!" He is my heart. He loves the heck out of his baby brother. He says cute things all the time, and I am embarrassed that I can't think of any to share with you right now. He suddenly doesn't like to be alone, which I have read is typical for his age. So before, when I could put a movie on, tell him it's quiet time, and go sneak a nap, yeah, those times are over. When we put him to bed and leave the room, he says "but I will be alooone..." just like that with the drawn out "o."
He is also a little sponge. He wants to learn everything right now, and I just think it is so great! I don't mind explaining things to him, and telling him what things are, or how they work. He wants to learn Spanish and he does simple math. He loves to be read to, and is beginning to learn how to read.
On the parental front, Steven is losing his mind working yet another "temporary" job. By temporary, I mean that yes, it pays the bills, but it's not what he really wants to do, so he goes to work every day miserable. I guess there are people in the world that work at a job they hate for 20 years just because. My husband is not one of those people. goes. Back to school for him! We will make it work. We will probably have to move back to Salt Lake City since he already has residency there, and the University of Utah is one of few schools with the degree that he REALLY truly wants which is Meteorology/Atmospheric Sciences. I like to joke with him that he will be the next Jim Cantore. :)
That's not really an official announcement of us moving to SLC, but right now, it's in the works. Money has to happen before that can happen.
How is Hannah doing? Oh, I don't know. Same old I guess. I enjoy my family. I got a piano, and that's what I'm doing for me right now. My goal is to write a song or two, just to get some creative energy flowing. My weight is sitting in the same spot. I do well with my diet (by "diet" I just mean what I am eating) while Steven is working, but on his days off, I can't stick to it. I eat cookies and junk, and whatever pleases my tastebuds.
Oh! AND we got a surprise visit from a couple Tennessee friends who were up in Tampa to see family. It was so great, and it was sad when they left. Not enough time.
That's about it today. Not very exciting, but it's the latest.