Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby update

So......went to the doctor today. Got some blood test results.....I have a blood clotting disorder....I forget what it's called, but basically, my body doesn't produce enough of the enzyme required to control amino acids which prevent clotting.......this basically means that I am more prone to blood clots than the average person. It is something I have always had, but never knew, and probably never would have known, because the test for it isn't very common. You normally only get it if you have a huge dignostic workup, or have repeated miscarriages (me), or are treated for a blood clot. Soooo.......in order to prevent complications for the baby, or for me, throughout this pregnancy, I will have to go on Heparin (blood thinner) injections, twice a day, everyday, until 1 month postpartum.....yay. I have done these injections before, and it's really only an inconvenience, plus I will have ugly bruises all over my stomach for the next 7ish months....but it sucks. I feel sorry for myself a little bit, but if it helps me to have a baby, I will get over it!

There are no guarantees, but there never are....

In other news.......our dog Mandy, is doing well, Nate is turning into the 3 yr old from you-know-where. Not really, I feel kind of bad for making it seem worse than it is, but there are moments where I don't even know him, it seems. He was never one for tantrums, really. But lately....*sigh* when it comes to naptime, or not getting his way....he just is not the same kid! Yeesh.....but he's still a good kid, and he sure loves his mommy. He cuddles more now, which is great!! But he also cries more....not the sad kind of cry, but the annoying, grating, "I'm 3 and I didn't get my way so I'm going to punish you with noise" kind of cry. Ha ha. It's really not funny when he's doing it though....

Oh AND, in GOOD baby news, our "big" ultrasound is scheduled for September 15th. We are going to find out the gender of the baby. I debated not finding out, but I am not good with surprises. I like them, I am just not patient enough. Plus I am a planner, and I like to be prepared.

That's all for now, folks. Join us next time for another bland edition of Minkus News......

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